Symptoms & Treatment for Alcoholic Neuropathy

alcohol neuropathy

The authors concluded that malnutrition, including low blood concentrations of B vitamins, is not a prerequisite for the development of alcoholic neuropathy, and ethanol per se plays a role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic neuropathy. In one clinical study, aimed at studying distinct clinicopathologic features of alcoholic neuropathy, 64 patients were assessed. In 47 of these patients sural nerve biopsy was performed, with discrimination in terms of their thiamine status [3]. The ethanol consumption of these patients was more than 100 g day–1 for more than 10 years. The subgroup without thiamine deficiency consisted of 36 patients, while the subgroup with thiamine deficiency consisted of 28 patients. In addition, 32 patients with nonalcoholic thiamine deficiency neuropathy were also evaluated for comparison.

alcohol neuropathy

Muscle Weakness

alcohol neuropathy

Alcoholic neuropathy is damage to the nerves that results from excessive drinking of alcohol. The damage may affect the autonomic nerves (those that regulate internal body functions) and the nerves that control movement and sensation. Alcoholic neuropathy is nerve damage caused by the toxic effect of alcohol on nerves. Nerve damage from chronic alcohol consumption can develop over several years. If your doctor confirms a diagnosis of alcoholic neuropathy, they will discuss treatment options, including help for alcohol use disorder. This article provides an overview of alcoholic neuropathy, including symptoms, causes, and diagnosis.

Alcoholic Polyneuropathy – Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment

Recognizing the early signs and seeking prompt treatment can significantly mitigate the condition’s impact, allowing for better treatment outcomes and reducing the risk of permanent damage. We offer a range of treatment options, including inpatient and outpatient care designed around the individual. Whether you’re beginning to experience the signs of ALN, like decreased muscle strength, or if you’re trying to get away from drinking before alcohol causes irreversible damage to your body, we can help. If you are experiencing pain because of your condition, you may be prescribed pain medication. However, if you have a history of substance use disorder or chronic alcoholics, you may be suggested to use alternatives to regular pain medications, like massage or acupuncture.

Manage underlying conditions

Most patients with initially present with symmetrical polyneuropathies in the lower distal extremities, however; heavier abuse can progress to distal upper extremity symptoms. The most common findings are sensory related and are varied to include pain, numbness, and paresthesias. Pain seems to be consistent through the literature to be one of the most common complaints and can be the first clinical indication of the disease.

Thus, there is an urgent need to screen the vitamin E isoforms, especially tocotrienol for evaluating clinical efficacy in patients with alcoholic neuropathy. Thus, alpha-lipoic acid may have a potential in the treatment of patients with alcoholic neuropathy. The combined actions of catecholamines and glucocorticoids, via their receptors on sensory neurones, demonstrate a novel mechanism by which painful alcoholic neuropathy is induced and maintained. alcohol neuropathy stages Epidermal nerve fibre density was assessed in two studies, both of which supported decremental nerve fibre density distally in the lower limb, anecdotally supportive of a length-dependent pattern [53, 63]. Uniquely, Vittadini and colleagues found a relationship between the type of alcohol consumed and neuropathy. Specifically, the study demonstrated worse NCS study dysfunction amongst wine drinkers, than those who drank beer or spirits alone [6].

Clinical management of alcoholic neuropathy

  • Nutrient deficiencies can over time have a serious impact on the nerves, resulting in mild to severe nerve damage.
  • These findings support the idea that the increased number of membrane-bound mGluR5 following chronic ethanol consumption may lead to a long lasting activation of neuronal protein kinase C in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
  • Benfotiamine was found to be beneficial in patients with alcoholic polyneuropathy [98].
  • No patients with grade III (severe sensory impairment, absent reflexes, foot drop, muscle wasting) neuropathy showed clinical improvement over the 4-week period, but 4/8 did show an improvement over 3–6 months.
  • When this message is interrupted due to damaged nerves, the muscles cannot function as they normally would.

Remember that recovery is possible, and plenty of support is available. Keep moving forward, one day at a time, and appreciate the hard work you put in along the way. Rather, your treatment program will be built around the goals of controlling your symptoms and preserving your independence for as long as possible. Your healthcare team will also take strides to reduce the risk of injury. In many cases, chronic drinkers are unable to store and use various vitamins and minerals, so a blood test may be used to see if you’re deficient in certain areas. Based upon these results, vitamin supplementation appears to exert a positive therapeutic effect in alcohol-related neuropathy.

The Symptoms of Alcoholic Neuropathy and Treatment Options

alcohol neuropathy

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Motor symptoms