IT Education

UI Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

This GUI testing method requires testers to have a deep understanding of the performance requirements of the AUT as well as skills in software testing. Due to the realities of time constraints and resource availability, it may be impractical to try to cover an entire AUT with exploratory testing. These tests are not as repeatable […]

By Ruben Montiel | IT Education

Graphical User Interface Testing GUI Testing

Here are some suggestions to make GUI testing easier to maintain and execute. Both smoke and sanity testing are often performed by developers before more rigorous reviews by software graphical user interface testing testers. As we know, delivering a quality product and matching the customer’s requirement and a bug-free product is the primary concern of […]

By Ruben Montiel | IT Education

Online Bachelor of Information Technology Degrees

This course covers tools and techniques employed in user interface design, including web and mobile applications. Concepts of clarity, usability, and detectability are included in this course, as well as other design elements such as color schemes, typography, and layout. Techniques like wireframing, usability testing, and SEO optimization are also covered. The course also introduces […]

By Ruben Montiel | IT Education

AI Prompt Engineer: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming an Expert in Crafting AI Prompts

Those interactions may be conversational, as you’ve undoubtedly seen (and used) with ChatGPT. However, relevant work experience may sometimes compensate for the lack of formal education. The more you immerse yourself in building, testing, and iterating on prompts, the more proficient you’ll become. Prompt Designer for Conversational AI is for beginners trying to leverage ChatGPT-like […]

By Ruben Montiel | IT Education