Graphical User Interface Testing GUI Testing

Here are some suggestions to make GUI testing easier to maintain and execute. Both smoke and sanity testing are often performed by developers before more rigorous reviews by software graphical user interface testing testers. As we know, delivering a quality product and matching the customer’s requirement and a bug-free product is the primary concern of executing any type of testing.

What does GUI testing mean

An automated test case generator produces test cases to cover all the paths between start to finish stage. The number of test cases generated automatically is large and it requires a lot of time to execute. There are tools which could automatically generate test based on the model. On the other hand, GUI/UI testing’s main concern is whether the GUI looks and behaves as intended. So, while you could have the GUI tests exercise the real API, database, etc., it’s possible—and recommended—to replace those with placeholders.

Software Testing Tools

But automated UI Testing is the most reliable solution in many cases. Katalon AI Visual Testing can detect and capture the critical UI elements of your application, then create a baseline image to compare against. It can also detect and highlight dynamic regions of the application such as banners or pop-ups. These regions will not be flagged as bugs even if they change during tests. Katalon is a comprehensive quality management platform that simplifies all aspects of UI testing. Built on Selenium itself, Katalon gives you all the features you need to find bugs on the UI in a single platform, with extra AI-powered features.

What does GUI testing mean

A normal User first observes the design and looks of the Application/Software and how easy it is for him to understand the UI. If a user is not comfortable with the Interface or find Application complex to understand he would never going to use that Application Again. That’s why, GUI is a matter for concern, and proper testing should be carried out in order to make sure that GUI is free of Bugs. It is the UI of the Application which decides that a user is going to use the Application further or not. In above example, if we have to do GUI testing we first check that the images should be completely visible in different browsers.

Object Based Recording

Similarly, manual testing provides nuanced insights about the look and feel of the software and how it responds to human interactions. However, manual testing can be time-consuming and subject to human error, especially for larger, more complex applications. In the realm of GUI Testing, two prominent techniques that come to the forefront are Manual Testing and Automation testing.

What does GUI testing mean

AutoIt also has an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the SciTE editor. The compiler and help text are combined, allowing developers to work in a consistent environment. GUI Testing is the process of ensuring that the application’s graphical user interface works as expected. It entails inspecting application elements like buttons, icons, checkboxes, color, menus, and windows, among other things. The visual dynamics of a web application are critical in determining whether or not a user would accept it.

Use Testing Heuristics

In this blog, we’ll peel back the layers of GUI testing, discussing its various types, significance, key characteristics, challenges, and much more. So, make yourself comfortable, relax, and come along on this enlightening journey as we delve into how GUI testing can elevate a decent software application into an outstanding one. Scenarios are not required to create GUI test cases but help guide their development. If scenarios are used in scripted testing, then they serve as the base from which test cases can be developed, as shown in the diagram on the right.

What does GUI testing mean

As discussed earlier, UAT is a testing level that verifies that a given application meets requirements. For example, imagine that shortly after an update is released to a shopping website, the site receives many complaints that customers are unable to save items to a wish list. However, UAT verified that pressing the “wish list” button correctly added items to the wish list. UX testing might have revealed that the wish list button was improperly placed on the screen, making it difficult for shoppers to find. In order to identify the bugs or defects, which occurred during the design phase, we will use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing tools that help us improve the quality of the software. As we already knew that the Manual testing is not productive because sometimes the execution of manual testing is slow, monotonous, and error-prone.

Best Practices for GUI Testing

Sometimes when automating an application, you will meet a special UI control that is not handled by the testing tool that you are using (or maybe is not handled by any testing tool that you have tried). In theory you could automate 100% of your manual tests and replace with automated GUI tests. Automated tests take longer to write than manual test since they have to be very specific to each object on the page. It is generally recommended that you perform an early assessment of the technology that the application uses and see which UI controls and widgets are being used.

However, UI is a broader concept that can include both GUI and Command Line Interfaces (CLIs). A CLI allows a user to interact with a computer system through text commands and responses. Although CLIs predate GUIs, they are still in use today and are often preferred by system administrators and developers. This website provides tutorials with examples, code snippets, and practical insights, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.

Best Practices for Writing GUI Test Cases

In[1] the authors used the planner IPP[6] to demonstrate this technique. The system’s UI is first analyzed to determine the possible operations. Next an initial system state is determined, and a goal state is specified that the tester feels would allow exercising of the system. The planning system determines a path from the initial state to the goal state, which becomes the test plan. Test the functionality of UI elements to see if they work as expected.

What does GUI testing mean

First, a novice user will learn over time and generally would not make the same mistakes repeatedly, and, secondly, a novice user is following a plan and probably has some domain or system knowledge. Accessibility testing ensures that all users (including most disabled persons) get entrance and interact with software with its maximum possibility. Accessibility of text and labels, image contrast ratio, navigations, and more. This testing aims to remove barriers to communicating with users who face problems with poorly designed UI.


In a nutshell, LambdaTest offers a comprehensive solution, making GUI Testing more efficient and hassle-free. With the multitude of devices and platforms, people use to interact with software, compatibility is paramount. GUI Testing verifies that the application looks good and works well regardless of the device, operating system, or browser. Understanding the importance of GUI Testing is a crucial part of grasping its impact on the final product.

  • You want to feel how smoothly it accelerates, how comfortably it turns, and how responsive the brakes are.
  • Testers must perform cross-browser and cross-platform testing to identify defects and ensure that the application fulfills all requirements.
  • Early UX testing would likely have revealed these concerns and saved the provider millions of dollars in development costs.
  • Despite everything, manual GUI testing can be a time taking and resource-intensive process.
  • The software may work perfectly fine, but if the colors are harsh, the fonts are unreadable, or the navigation is complex, users might not enjoy using the application or even abandon it altogether.
  • It would also confirm that appearance elements such as fonts and images conform to design specifications.